请购买原版书籍以支持你喜欢的作家 砂拉越与沙巴州政府设立文化局的目的之一是发掘与鼓励作家, 鼓励出版 国, 华,英与依班文四种杂志, 刊登本地作家的作品外, 每年都举办一次 征文比赛,接受本地任何语文选写的文稿。在此库藏的是文化局一部分书, 中华文艺社整理。 The Borneo Literature Bureau operated in the 60s and 70s, publishing stories and folklore contributed by amateur writers in Sarawak. Most of these writers are now respected members of the Sarawakian community or senior government officers. We shall bring you some of those books in digital format as our move in promoting and preserving part of the Borneo heritage in literature. Contents of this English section was taken from http://www.sarawak.com.my |