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Semarak Api was updated on
21 June 1998

Escapades of the 88th
88th on TV!
The Gathering!

Personnel count
as at July 19, 1998




You have arrived at the home of the 88th Firebirds.

If you have visited us before, you might like to go straight through to our updates! If you are new to us, and are wondering what we are about, or if you just want to see if anything's changed since the last time you were here, just read on!

So, who or what are the 88th Firebirds? We are the Malaysian branch of the 59th Ready Reserves winging into action. For the uninitiated, we are a part of an internet fandom united in our fight to bring back Space: Above and Beyond after it's untimely demise, while at the same time, celebrating one of the best creations of writers, Morgan and Wong.

Space, or S:AAB as it's affectionately known to the fans, is an interesting, insightful sci-fi series revolving around a group of young Marine pilots in space, fighting the enemy, alien "chigs". To find out more on the show, do check out our Space: Above and Beyond page. We try to give you the basic low-down on this cult tv show, while at the same time, maybe spicing things up a little with a slightly different outlook on the show as we see it. Why not check it out now and see it for yourself?

Much to our chagrin, Space was cancelled after just one season. Our outrage at this unfair treatment, the spirit of the show, the 'never say die' attitude and the general continuing and growing interest in the show is what prompted the formation of this squadron. We are here to ensure that S:AAB lives on, at least for the fans, and we are here to lend our support to the efforts to bring back the show.

With the airing of S:AAB in Malaysia in 1997 and the discovery of a loyal local fan-base, the 88th Firebirds was born. We have been constantly amazed at how quickly we have grown into a decent-sized squadron, but like all fledglings, we are still growing. We have, however, taken our interests to the international scene, and lent our support to the Asian Airwing and the CDF
, the Commonwealth Defence Forces.

The Spirit Lives On!

S:AAB ended it's run on Malaysian television in the latter quarter of 1997. Yet another quality show off-air. Now's the time to join us in trying to bring back...or at the very least in celebrating one of the best television series to come on air in a long time. Some brave and dedicated fans have joined in the fight. To them, we say welcome and...

Semper Fi, my friends!

We are always updating our little Nesting Site. Semarak Api will always be updated with the latest, and the other pages will do their best to catch up. To find out the latest happenings and antics of the 88th Firebirds all you have to do is to check back often! We will report our updates as and when they take place.

as at July 19, 1998

A New Page!!

Looking through the pages on the site, there are some pages that virtually jump out at you and scream "I'm fun and I'm outstanding!!" Well, we were inclined to agree. So, we have collated them into one special page, highlighting all those fun and interesting pages. If you don't have time to check out all the pages, these are the ones you should hit first. So, come on, check out those Fun Stuff!

Semarak Api

NEWSFLASH!! The monthly newsletter is going to be a little late this month due to unexpected and unavoidable Real Life problems. We are trying our best to overcome them. For now, you can access the last newsletter, by clicking on the masthead below, or checking out our Archives.

New Fiction!!

Mix one tablespoonful of the characters from S:AAB with 2 teaspoonfuls of the neurotic, slightly off the wall characters from Kopitiam, add hot water, milk and stir. What do you get? Well, Garuda and Sparhawk invite you to Tell Our Moms...We went to the Kopitiam-lah!

Star Talk: Chatting with the Stars!

A new section for all those chat sessions held with the stars of S:AAB... the ones who made S:AAB the wonderful series it was. Let's hear it for the cast and crew of Space:Above and Beyond the true stars of the show!

And this time, we have the chat transcript for JAMES MORRISON!!

New Recruits

Well, We have some new recruits this time round. Do you know them? Do you want to know them? Are you new and want to know if you are listed in our personnel files? Well, check the P-files out then.

The Archives: Well of information!

With the launch of our online newsletter, we have found ourselves with lots of old copies on hand. It was always done up in text before. But seeing as to how so much work goes into the online version, they are now preserved in The Archives. It is still under heavy contruction, but it is a great source of information, as the newsletter is. So, do drop by and see if The Archives can't give you the news you want (albeit, a little out of date. Hey! It is the Archives!) and occassionally, bring a smile to your face.

Our Logbook!

Some new people have deigned to tell us what they think. Go here to read what they have to say. While you are there, why don't you check to see what some of our famous visitors, notably Joel de la Fuente and Kristian Sorensen, have said too.

Welcome New members!!

We bid all our new members a warm welcome, and we hope that you enjoy your time with us. New members can be found here. And if you are interested in being a new member, you're absolutely welcome!

We'd also like to give a warm welcome to our very special honorary member of the 88th Firebirds...Joel de la Fuente! Don't believe us? Just check this out!


These are places in our home that we think are pretty hot. Why don't you check them out and tell us what you think?!

Our Space:Above and Beyond Page!!

We are pleased to invite you to step this way to our Space:Above and Beyond page! It is new, it's different, and above all, we hope that you enjoy its difference. Jump though to it by clicking on the logo of the Saratoga below.

88th Firebirds Official Newsletter

We now have an official online newsletter for those who are interested in what goes on behind the periodic updates of the Nesting Site. It also offers a glimpse into the antics of the 88th especially those on the mailing list, and provides all the latest news in the world of the Firebirds, Asian Airwing and Space:Above and Beyond. It is impeccably prepared by our Communications Officer - Garuda, who does such a marvellous job of it, and makes it such a good read! Kudos, Garry!

Go check it out by clicking our masthead below.

Imaginations take flight!

Our page of fanfiction and various little ramblings that come up in the course of our mailing list. Why not check them out to gain an insight into the amazing, amusing and oft times wacky minds of the Firebirds?


Looking through the pages on the site, there are some pages that virtually jump out at you and scream "I'm fun and I'm outstanding!!" Well, we were inclined to agree. So, we have collated them into one special page, highlighting all those fun and interesting pages. If you don't have time to check out all the pages, these are the ones you should hit first. So, come on, check out those Fun Stuff!

Right then. We guess you know the drill. Buttons on the borders will take you to whichever part of our home it says on it. In the unlikely event that you get lost, clicking on "Home" will take you back here.

Sign our logbook!If you are still here, you are now, honour-bound to sign our log book Come on! This is no chig trap. Marines honour!! Oh, alright! If you won't sign, how about checking out our logbook then? Maybe you'll change your mind?

Finally, before we let you go off on your wanderings ponder a while on the Thought of the Day courtesy of our Morale Officer:

If it moves, salute it; if it doesn't move, pick it up; and if you can't pick it up, paint it.

- 1940s saying about the army -

Space:Above and Beyond and it's related characters are all the property of Glen Morgan and James Wong, Hard Eight Productions and Fox Broadcasting. This was all done for the enjoyment of fans and no copyright infringement is intended.

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Page created:17 August 1997
Page last modified:July 19, 1998