About the 88th
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Here comes another Marine wannabe. Hah! Scared of a little yelling in the Real Corp are ya? Can't take the pressure of violence and death can ya! Want to enjoy being called "Sir!" but too jelly to train years for it? Are you yellar or too young? Well then, you've come to the right place!! We are the 88th Firebirds, the first and only virtual Marines squad in Malaysia, East and West, dedicated to saving S:AAB. You're a true patriot and S:AAB-er to be here.

Well, think you have what it takes? Our requirements aren’t many. Anyone is welcome to join us, although if you aren’t Malaysian, you might find it more convenient to join a squadron nearer to where you live. But don’t let that dissuade you! It’s the spirit of the whole venture after all.


  • Malaysian, but it's not essential
  • S:AAB fan... but of course!!
  • In posession of an e-mail address.
    --If you do not have one, leave us your snail-mail add. We will try to keep you as updated as humanly possible.
  • If you have an e-mail address, please indicate if you'd like to be included in our mailing list.
    -- Just one warning. You can't leave your inbox unattended. We are expert mailbombers! But if you can brave that friendly fire, you'll have fun. We can guarantee that! If you think you can weather that friendly fire, drop a line to our Recruiting Officer. She'll set you up quicker than you can say, "The Spirit Lives On!"
  • A callsign
    --This can be anything, but in keeping with our squadron name, we would prefer it if you use a name of a bird. Preferably a bird of prey, or at the very least. a vaguely agressive bird. Taken callsigns can be found at our Personnels page. If you are at a loss, drop our Communications Officer a line. She should be able to sort you out with one. Please refer to our FAQ to see why the callsign of "Phoenix" is disallowed.
  • Game to have fun!!

And that is all, really!!

Oh yes. One more thing. Membership fees. They are non-existent. Membership of the 88th Firebirds will always be free. We are planning to release merchandise in the near future. Those costs will be borne by the members themselves, and purchase of them will be purely optional.

So, join us now by filling in our application form, or contacting our Recruiting Officer should you have any queries. You won’t be sorry you did!

Thank you and Semper Fi !!