Netscape Navigator is a tool for us to surf the internet. It is one of the most popular internet browser in the world.  Some other internet browser is Internet Explorer, Mosaic, NetCruiser, etc.
1. Starting Netscape Navigator.

    Firstly, you click on the Start button. Then go to Program and go to Netscape Communicator Professional Edition and click on Netscape Navigator.

2. The first thing you need to do before surfing the internet is knowing the address of a site. Without knowing this, you can lost in space! For example :

3. The button's function.

    Back          :   This button is use when you want to return to the previous document in history list.

    Forward     :  This button is use to move forward to the next document in history list.

    Reload       :  This button is use to load the current page.

    Home        :  This button takes you back to the default homepage of your browser.

    Search       :  This button takes you to the search engine. You can  click here on how to use the search

    Guide        :  This button will take you to the interesting places on the internet.

    Print          :  To print the page.

    Security     :  This button is use to show security information.

    Stop          :  To stop the current transfer.

    Bookmark  :  If you want to go to a page without typing the address in the future, you can click this
                        button and click Add Bookmark.
