Disclaimer: This is a parody. Nothing in here is the truth. Only what you believe. So don’t go getting mad at me for twisting things around, making S:AAB unnaturally funny. Sometimes, it just is.
Chiggy von Richtofen
-by Sparhawk the wacky -
After "The Angriest Angel" was aired on Malaysian television, the Firebirds got together to talk about it. Samra posed a few intriguing thoughts that Sparhawk, in her infinitely wacky mode, picked up on, and twisted around to suit herself. Here is her theory on Chiggy von Richtofen.
Instead of McQueen just acknowledging CvR after the poor Chig had bought it. McQueen's comment got me wondering too, about who CvR really was. He or she?! What was the person like underneath all that armour?
It was a 'she'. She was just like us humans. Humanoid so they can fit into
the humanoid armour. And humanoid so they can take on the form of people
like Kylen. The person, well... you should really talk to her psychitrist.
Chiggy von Richtofen was a real messed up person. You see,as a kid, she was always ostracised by the other chigs. No one wanted to play with her. she always had this dream of flying you see, and she had this recurring nightmare of being successful in all her missions, but failing at the last crucial
moment because of this one pilot who would never stay in one place long
enough for her to take aim. She didn't know what he was, but he was not a
chig. he was pretty good-looking though... for an alien.
What was his/her personality?
She was always pretty outgoing. Tried her best to make friends. But no one
really liked her because they thought she was weird. Her dreams and all
that, you know. And that "alien" she kept seeing in her dreams. The one whom
she knows will be her downfall. So, she became a star pilot and earned the
nickname 'Chiggy von Richtofen' even on the Chig homeplanet. That was because she loved watching those delayed sattelite broadcasts of "moving pictures" from that alien place she kept seeing in her dreams. The name came up one day, and she just liked it. So it stuck.
Hopes and fears?
Well, I think the above really cover this. Hopes: Flying. Fears: This
Would they have liked each other if they'd been able to meet under more
auspicious circumstances?
Well, I don't know about McQueen, seeing as to how he hates the chigs for
taking out the 127th, But as for her, she began to have some fondness for
this "alien" she kept seeing in her dreams/nightmares. It was the silver
hair and blue eyes. No chigs had hair and none had blue eyes. Most were
just the typical boring pink. Pinkeye syndrome was very prevalent and she
liked the alienness of blue eyes.
Maybe shared a few things in common?
This little chig loved contemplating the universe. And she felt a
"connection" with this alien. She read a lot and watched a lot of "moving
pictures" about the alien wars too. But she never understood why people of
the same species should fight each other. Chigs never fought each other.
Jsut other species.
I wanted that recognition to take place, bad. At least CvR could've acknowledged his/her more superior opponent before he/she went down...goes to show all is not quite lost for the human race just yet.
Well, when CvR saw McQueen, she just knew this was the "alien" she had been seeing all her life. she could see him through the glass of his plane, but
he could not see her. She was amazed at his spectacular flying. The way he
was weaving and slipping and sliding really threw her off. It was totally
unlike any of the other planes she had taken out. This was star flying!! And that one last moment of hesitation, as she admired his handiwork cost her her life.
And that, Marines, was who Chiggy von Richtofen was... according to Sparhawk.
The end
© Copyrighted 1997
08 July 1997
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