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[ The School Motto ]

The school motto, the badge and the school rally were introduced in 1950 by Rev. Bro. Patrick who wanted St. Joseph's to have a strong school spirit and a distinctive identity. These same principles were behind the adoption, in 1996, of the school logo and the school pledge.

`Ora Et Labora' : Prayer and Work

Ora et Labora are Latin words meaning Prayer and Work. They underline two values which are basic to the ideals and traditions of our school. The first word emphasises our relationship with God. We believe that the basis of real respect for our fellowmen, irrespective of race or creed, is an acknowledgement of our common brotherhood, as children of the same Father.

The second word is a constant reminder to us that if we wish to achieve anything worthwhile in life, in our studies, work, games etc., we must be willing to make an honest effort to achieve it. We all share an obligation to society to do our work as well as we can.

The School BadgeSt. Joseph's Embelm

The St. Joseph's School badge consists of 4 different emblems, divided by horizontal and vertical lines and printed on a green background above the motto. "ORA ET LABORA".


The white emblems and lettering on a green background represent our traditional school colours, green and white.

The Emblems

  1. The Star
    is the world-wide emblem of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, who administered St. Joseph's School from 1950 to 1988. The star itself is symbolic of light and of a sense of direction; for thousands of years travellers have used the stars for navigation and guidance. Our years in school should give us a sense of purpose and direction in life; they should shed light on where we are going and set before us noble ideals.
  2. The Lily
    is a white flower which is used widely to represent purity of body and of mind. In Christian tradition, it is particularly associated with St. Joseph, the patron saint of our school.
  3. The Lamp
    is a common symbol of education and learning. The lamp represents the enlightenment which education should bring to our minds by removing the darkness of ignorance and prejudice.
  4. The Letters
    S and J superimposed on each other, simply represent the name of our school, St. Joseph's School.

The School Rally

"Sons Of St. Joseph's"
Audio File [ MP3 | RealAudio ]

Sons of St. Joseph's a voice is resounding,Singing Sons of St. Joseph's
Promptly respond to your duty's sweet call,
Answer you all for the trumpet is sounding,
Your Mater's proclaiming her watchword to all.


Forward her children dear,
Ever with hearts sincere.
Render with joy to your Mater her due;
All that is vile reject
Heaven will e'er protect.
Sons of St. Joseph's, valiant and true.

Prayer and labour your Motto still bearing,
Forward with courage in ways that are just,
True to your standard be doing and daring,
As faithful Josephians in Heaven you trust.

St. Joseph's LogoThe School Logo

The colours:

White, the colour of purity, represents the solid foundation built upon a heritage of fine traditions and time tested values. This supports the green of new life, youth and generations of Josephians, to meet the changing waves of time. Green and white are the traditional colours of the school.

The symbols:

  1. The letters `S' and `J' represent St. Joseph's - the name of our school.
  2. The halo above the letter `J' signifies the Saint and portrays the head of a Josephian in prayer.
  3. The letter `S' in different perspective also represents the determined striving for excellence, thus adhering to the school motto, "Ora et Labora".
  4. The letter `J' stands for the Josephian ideals in providing a caring environment in order to nurture the holistic development of all our students. It aspires to produce generations of well adjusted students with high moral values, who are physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially equipped to contribute positively to society.

The School Pledge

The Josephian Pledge

We, The Students Of St. Joseph's School, Kuching Hereby Pledge, At All Times:

  • To Honour And To Serve God, Our Country And Our School.
  • To Respect Those In Authority, Our Parents, Teachers, Elders And Our Peers.
  • To Abide By Our School Rules And The Laws Of Our Country.
  • To Do Our Best, In Our Studies, Games, Activities And Duties, In The Spirit Of Our School Motto : ORA ET LABORA


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