Bulan Sabit Merah Malaysia
(Malaysian Red Crescent, Miri Chapter)
Lot 312, Lorong 1, Jalan Bulan Sabit
P.O.Box 370, 98007, Miri, Sarawak
Tel: 085-411121 / 428032
Fax: 085-420479

The Prime Minister's Quality Award 2000

IN 1999, MIRI CHAPTER was offered to apply for the Prime Minister's Quality Award for the Social Economic Sector.

Main Criteria for this Award is:
Strategic planning to include organisation structure, programmes, membership, future plans and public relationship
Leadership to include leaders, management, volunteerism spirit, vision and accountability
Data and information to include good management on data and information and documentation
Result of services to include projects and programmes implemented, effectiveness of implementation, outstanding projects and awards/recognition/appreciation received

Evaluation and Assessing

Initially a total of 73 applications was shortlisted to a few for on-site visit and assessment. A panel of assessors made a visit to Miri on 7th September 1999. Briefing was conducted as per requirement stated on the application form and the panel members were shown around the premises on equipment, facilities, services and activities. The member for Audio and visual from the panel videotaped the whole process for use of further evaluation, which was carried out in Kuala Lumpur while further information on the Chapter was furnished upon request.

The presentation of the prestigious Award was made at a special ceremony on 14th April 2000 at a special ceremony in Kuala Lumpur. The Chapter Chairman, Datuk Amar Dr. George Chan Hong Nam, the Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak and also the Branch Chairman, received the Award comprising of a special trophy, a Certificate and a cheque of RM30,000.00 (thirty thousand ringgit) from the Deputy Prime Minister. The Chapter has the honour and privilege to use the symbol of Q on official correspondences and at premises for three years.

This outstanding achievement attributes to the concerted effort of dedicated members past and present led by dynamic leaders as well as the constant support by the caring public, community, the government agencies and the private sectors. This is not an overnight achievement but a long period of continuous commitment, hard work and teamwork accumulated through the years by all concerned that pioneered projects and braved all sorts of obstacles. The Chapter would also like to express gratitude to the Branch for guidance, support and cooperation throughout the years. The Award is the honour and pride of all concerned. The Chapter looks forward to more challenging time ahead aiming not just to maintain the present standard but continue to progress to greater heights in humanitarian service (30 July, 2000, Judy)

Our Chairman, Tan Sri Datuk Amar Dr George Chan Hong Nam receiving the winning trophy of the Prime Minister's Quality Award from the Deputy Primie Minister, YAB Dato Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi.

Group Picture Trophy Certificate