What Does JC Offer?
5 Reasons to Step Ahead
Benefiting from JC Program 
How to Join?
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Junior Chamber International has been praised as a
"premium world-class training and leadership development organization" because of its variety and high quality training programs and its individual and community development programs.

Do you want to seek success? Do you have the desire for self-improvement?
The Junior Chamber will teach you to accept responsibility, make decisions, become an effective speaker, develop management techniques, and be a better person.
Do you want an active role in the civic life of our community?
The Junior Chamber identifies community needs and provides solutions.
Would you like to meet and work with new acquaintances and interesting people, and to enlarge your social contact with others of similar age, economic position, and interests?
If so, you should invest your time in the Junior Chamber. As a member of Junior Chamber Kuching, you will join a network of other Jaycees which includes not only young people in our community, but also extends across Malaysia, the Asia-Pacific and throughout the world.
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Through the years JC "leadership training" has guided thousands of young men into better jobs and more secure social lives.  In JC, you gain experience in public speaking...organising your thoughts more effectively...expressing them more confidently. You learn to organize your work... making more effective use of your time, on the job and off. You learn to work with people - and to get people to work for you.
Career Advancement
Being a JC implies to your boss and others that you are ambitious and enthusiastic...ready to tackle any job...assume any responsibility.  As a JC, you assume responsibilities usually entrusted to older, more experience men. When advancement opportunities come, you will be ready for them. 
Community Recognition
In JC activities, you become known to civic and business leaders in your community. You work with other groups and leading citizens in a variety of prestige projects - working with today's leaders for a better future for you and your community. 
Your work in the JC will make you a valued citizen because of your contributions in service..... working to help youth, the needy, the neglected...working for a community that is more than just a place to earn a living. 
In the JC, you become a part of the sharpest group of young men in town. And no matter where you might be transferred, there is a Jaycee chapter nearby - a ready-made circle of friends - men who believe as you will in taking action to improve the world around them. 
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The Individual Member

Your Junior Chamber membership will bring you great personal benefits. It can be the means to the total development of your personality, and new horizons will be opened to you. As a member, you will learn to do so much more than you would in other associations. In Junior Chamber, a doctor may supervise a school construction project, a businessman may chair a child health project, a mechanic may organize and direct a seminar. In the prime of your life, grasp the opportunity to become a person with real and varied skills. 

As a member you should have three goals:

To make yourself the best member of your chapter.
To make your chapter the best chapter in Junior Chamber International.
As a dedicated member, to help your chapter make your community the best local 
    community in the world.
In achieving these goals, you do not have specific or constitutional duties as officers and Board members do, but you do have very real responsibilities. A few are listed below. 
To Be Active
Many organizations exist for the "joiner," the person who only wants to add another membership card to his/her collection. Junior Chamber membership is different; it offers so much to its members: skill training, personal development, community recognition, and the satisfaction of being deeply involved in programs of lasting benefit to others. However, these benefits are only available to the active member, the one who attends all meetings and who works hard on all assigned projects.
To Be Committed
There is no such person as a "good, half-hearted" Junior Chamber member. The JCI movement has a philosophy; it has goals and purposes; it has soul. It requires a commitment to its ideals from its members, it demands dedication to hard work, and it calls for a deep understanding of the problems of people. If you can make this commitment, you will be an invaluable member of your chapter. 
To Be Contributor
There are many member of Junior Chamber who are bursting with good ideas, who are sound thinkers and who could play a useful role in the decision-making process. However, they are often silent at meetings, perhaps because of shyness or maybe they are afraid their ideas will be ridiculed. Too often the really good ideas come out after the decision has been made. Your chapter needs your contribution. Acquire the skill of speaking in public, think out ideas thoroughly, and present a reasoned argument in support of your views. 

Be prepared to listen to opposition and accept any good points that are made. Aim at being a member who is listened to and whose ideas are valued.

To Be Efficient
Efficiency is one of the keys to advancement. It is important that, whatever task you have, you understand what you have to do, you participate fully with others involved and you do your bit to the best of your ability. Do not be afraid to ask if you do not understand. Do not hesitate to seek help if you feel this is necessary. There is no position in the Junior Chamber movement that is more important than any other, and each member is one link in the human chain of achievement. The organization needs the floor member who does what he or she has to do conscientiously–it does not need those who shirk responsibility and cause failure. 
To Be Dependable
The member who can be counted on at all times, the one on whom others can depend, is the member who will go right to the top. Many good projects fail because only one person let the team down. Most Junior Chamber activities require teamwork, and it is up to you to pull your weight and do what is expected of you. At the same time, do not become so enthusiastic that you undertake more than you have the time to do. Having too much to do is as bad as doing nothing at all. The result is the same. 


It is important that you learn as much as you can about the organization you have joined, for only then will you be able to participate fully. Learn the history of your chapter, your National Organization and Junior Chamber; find out all you can about recent activities and projects. Knowing what has been done in the past will not only give you ideas but will help you learn from the experience of others and recognize pitfalls to avoid. Study the constitution of your chapter, its structure and organization. Attend as many regional, national and international meetings as you can; you will learn not only what is happening at those levels but also from the experiences you will share with the many fellow members whom you will meet. Above all, use every opportunity to learn new skills and extend those skills you already have. 
Your chapter is a training organization, and you will benefit immeasurably by taking advantage of the courses in personal development, leadership, management and skill training that will be offered. However, you must use the skills that you acquire. For example, after you learn the techniques of chairmanship, organize a project to teach leaders of voluntary organizations how to conduct good meetings. You will get even more training and utilize your skills best by working on as great a variety of projects as possible, for it is by doing that we learn best. The Junior Chamber movement is unique in that it permits its members the luxury of learning from mistakes, so do not be afraid of tackling something new. Even if you are not completely successful, you will find it of lasting personal benefit when you apply what you have learned in the Junior Chamber to your work and personal life. 
Being a Junior Chamber member is not entirely a spare-time activity, for being an active member of a good chapter can be very demanding of your time and your talents. You must so organize your time that you give adequate attention to your family, your job and your Junior Chamber career while neglecting none of these. It is wise to involve your family and your employer or business associates in your Junior Chamber activities; they will see the good work you are doing and the benefits you are gaining, and will then give you full support. 
Move On
Because of its great demands, your period of active Junior Chamber life may be relatively short. When you know what it is all about, assess the time that you will be able to give to Junior Chamber and set your personal goal, whether it's to be Chapter President, National President, or JCI President. Plan your steps on the road to achievement, and then, putting all that you learn into practice, shoot for the stars. However, always remember that the end of your Junior Chamber career should just be the beginning–the start of your personal service to your community and your nation. Be a good Junior Chamber member today, and you can be an outstanding leader tomorrow. 

When you transform problems into challenges that you overcome; when you set objectives for yourself that you achieve; and when you merge the talents you now have with the skills you will acquire, you will attain personal growth that will give you a new dimension, a new outlook, a new way of life. 
Consider the words of Thomas Wolfe: 
"If a man has talent and does not use it, he has failed;
If he has talent and uses only half of it, he has partially failed;
If he has talent and learns to use the whole of it,
he has gloriously succeeded, and knows a satisfaction
and triumph few will ever know."
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Membership is opened to all young persons of good character irrespective of nationality, colour, social and educational status, religion and political belief between the age of 18 and 40, both inclusive, who subscribes to the creed and purpose of the chapter. 
If you have the desire for personal development and community service, and wish to join Junior Chamber Kuching or need further details on other Junior Chamber chapters in Malaysia, please contact:-

The Secretary General
Junior Chamber Kuching,
P.O. Box 291, 93704 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Email: pristweety@yahoo.com.sg

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