/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ "Semarak Api" The 88th Firebirds Official Newsletter Website: http://ftp.sarawak.com.my/org/firebirds/ Volume Eight, 15 January 1998 Part A /~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ PART A: Atten-HUT! Latest News and Updates Bulletin Board So You Want to be a Marine.... PART B: Interstellar Chat Radio >From the Quill Pen Addresses and Sites /~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ <^><^><^><^><^> Atten-HUT! <^><^><^><^><^> How are the Muslims faring in the month of Ramadan? Chin up, soldiers. This is likely to be one of the few times in a year when you get to toughen up. ;) "Musings of a Guylian-Eating Officer" is suspended indefinitely because Peregrine is having computer problems (read: her comp is totally fried). For this edition, we have included a note from our honourary member, Joel de la Fuente, as well as some interesting news on the cast of Space: Above and Beyond. An epic draws to a close as we present to you the final part of Kingfisher's "Operation White Wing - Fight for Hill 375". I'd like to remind the newsletter list that any submissions to the newsletter are very much welcome. "Semarak Api" was intended to be a two-way communication between the newspaper and mailing list, so without your participation we can't make that happen. As always, enjoy! See you in a fortnight. Qapla'! Captain Yasmin "Garuda" M. 88th Firebirds Squadron <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> Latest News and Updates <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> FIREBIRDS NEWS Recruits: On behalf of the Firebirds, I'd like to welcome Private Rita (Helang Merah) into our fold. May her stay be interesting, and her hunting ground rich with Chigs. Website: The Nesting Site underwent a massive update recently. The highlights: The Gathering page is up! To read more reports (and, coincidentally to see how we all *really* look like) point your browser to . "Semarak Api", the Firebirds newsletter, is finally online, courtesy of Sparhawk. You can read the past issues (in txt files) and the most recent (in HTML) at . The transcript for the latest Joel chat is also up, nicely done up and HTML-ized. Personnel has also been updated. All of these can be accessed from the main page. ASIAN AIRWING NEWS Sparhawk has resigned as the Technical Officer of the Asian Airwing, citing real life commitments. On behalf on the AA, I'd like to express my regret over her resignation, and I think that I speak for all of the officers when I say how glad I am that she is staying on as Chairperson of the AA meetings. Your shoes will be hard to fill, Spar. SPACE: ABOVE AND BEYOND NEWS Dominion chat with Morgan & Wong scheduled for Tuesday, January 27 at 9pm ET Space: Above & Beyond creators and executive producers Glen Morgan & James Wong first caught the attention of sci-fi aficionados in 1993 as co-executive producers of the award-winning series The X-Files. In 1995, they launched their own series, the space combat saga Space: Above and Beyond, which ran on Fox for one season. They are currently both executive producers on Millennium. Join them as they come online to discuss their work on all three series and to help celebrate the arrival of Space: Above and Beyond on Sci-Fi Channel this month. Connect your IRC software client to events.scifi.com and join channel #auditorium to participate. [The chat will be on 28th January (Wednesday), 10am, Malaysian time] __________________________________________________________ Here's the info on the Tucker Smallwood/Kristen Cloke episode of Millennium, lifted off the official site: --------------------------------------------------------------- MLM-210 "GOODBYE CHARLIE" FRANK BLACK INVESTIGATES A SERIES OF ASSISTED SUICIDES ON 'MILLENNIUM' JAN. 9 ON FOX Tucker Smallwood Guest Stars A series of assisted suicides that are suspected murders force Frank and Lara Means (Kristin Cloke) to investigate a bizarre angel of mercy. Cast: Lance Henriksen as Frank Black, Megan Gallagher as Catherine Black, Terry O'Quinn as Peter Watts and Brittany Tiplady as Jordan Black. Guest Cast: Kristen Cloke as Lara Means, Stephen J. Lang as Giebelhouse, Tucker Smallwood as Steven Kiley, Deanne Henry as Eleanor Norris, Bethoe Shirkoff as Mabel, Ally Warren as Officer Nello, Dave Hurtubise as J. E. Hill, Gina Stockdale as Tammy, Stefan Arngrim as Delbert, Dan Weber as Preston and David MacKay as Jeff Lubo. <^><^><^><^><^><^> Bulletin Board <^><^><^><^><^><^> >From Parrot , 88th Firebirds: This is Private Parrot calling out! I just wanted to know if any of you Firebirds know how I would get in possesion of all the S:AAB episodes. Because I’m in serious demand for them and I’m been looking around for them here in Sweden but with no success, so I’m asking you guys if you know how or could get in possession of all the episodes on VHS, I would really be happy if I can get in hold of the VHS and of course I would pay for them. Thanks! [Parrot will accept both PAL and NTSC format] __________________________________________________________ >From KT Ng (Wildfire), Intelligence Officer, Asian Airwing: Some of you may know this already. The SciFi Channel will re-run Space: Above and Beyond starting from January 18. There's a call out now for S:AABers to "recruit" people to watch the show. This may be harder for us in Asia, but if anyone of you has US/Canadian/whoever-who-are-able-to-get-SciFi friends, spread the word! For instance, if you're part of a StarTrek or X-Files or whatever club/discussion group/mailing list/IRC group/newsgroup/etcetc, let your friends know! __________________________________________________________ >From Andrew Chung : Hi, My name's Andrew Chung and I am a S:AAB fan. I've just started a project, "Semper Fi" (you should recognise that if you're any kind of S:AAB fan! - it's from "Semper Fi, Semper Fi, Marine corps way is do or die!" and various characters say "Semper Fi" in S:AAB). Basically I have a domain name of "http://semperfi.base.org" and unlimited web space (if you want technical details etc. mail me). I have put up the front page at the moment but there is nothing else yet since there are no members. If you want to join then just e-mail me there's no selection policy at the moment (if there is sufficient response there may be) and...it's FREE! Semper Fi aims to bring together S:AAB fans on the web by having space on which fans can put their web sites. I am also going to put up a chat board, bio page etc. for members to chat about anything they want. It is entirely free (although any donations to help me pay for the domain name would help) and hopefully should become a meeting point for S:AABers on the web. With your help "Semper Fi" could succeed so please e-mail me if you are interested and I will send you further details. Also, could you please forward this to any S:AAB fans you know. Chung - chungster@earthling.net Semper Fi, my Friends. *Project Semper Fi hits the beach at 00:00 January 1 1998 GMT* <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> So You Want to be a Marine.... <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> This piece, contributed by Albatross, probably have no direct link to the Marines, but in my opinion it subtly illustrates why Marines always bury their dead: Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle. Caught in a trench with continuous gunfire whizzing over his head, the soldier asked his lieutenant if he might go out into the "No Man's Land" between the trenches to bring his fallen comrade back. "You can go," said the Lieutenant, "but I don't think it will be worth it. Your friend is probably dead and you may throw your own life away." The Lieutenant's words didn't matter, and the soldier went anyway. Miraculously he managed to reach his friend, hoist him onto his shoulder, and bring him back to their company's trench. As the two of them tumbled in together to the bottom of the trench, the officer checked the wounded soldier, then looked kindly at his friend. "I told you it wouldn't be worth it," he said. "Your friend is dead, and you are mortally wounded." "It was worth it, though, sir," the soldier said. "How do you mean, 'worth it'?" responded the Lieutenant. "Your friend is dead!" "Yes sir," the private answered. "But it was worth it because when I got to him, he was still alive, and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say, 'Jim, I knew you'd come.'". /~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ CONTINUES IN PART B