/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ The 88th Firebirds "Official" Newsletter Website: http://ftp.sarawak.com.my/org/firebirds/ Volume Five, 15 November 1997 Part A /~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ PART A: Atten-HUT! Latest News and Updates Bulletin Board So You Want to be a Marine.... Pop Quiz, Hot Shots! PART B: Interstellar Chat Radio From the Quill Pen Musings of A Guylian-Eating Officer Addresses and Sites /~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ <^><^><^><^><^> Atten-HUT! <^><^><^><^><^> I seem to be making a lot of apologies recently. :) Sorry for the tardiness, but I thought it would be prudent to wait for the AA meeting report rather than present you guys with a fortnight-old news. There is no 96th Recon Battallion Update as it seems that they were hit with a communication blackout. Cross your fingers and hope that this problem will be rectified -- soon. In this issue, we have a note from our honourary member, Joel de la Fuente, as well as an important announcement in the Bulletin Board. Also included is Part 2 of Kingfisher's exciting "Operation White Wing - Fight for Hill 375". Don't forget to check out the news flash under Latest News and Updates. As an extra bonus, there is a quiz on S:AaB.... willing to take up the challenge? "Deus Meus! Securis in capite meo est!" Captain Yasmin "Garuda" Masidi Communications and Acting Executive Officer <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> Latest News and Updates <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> FIREBIRDS NEWS Recruits: We are pleased to welcome Privates Khairuddin and Wilson. Khairuddin will hopefully make his entrance in the mailing list soon, while Wilson will be joining the newsletter list. To them, we say "Semper fi, and may you survive the experience!" ASIAN AIRWING NEWS This is your report on the AA meeting held on Friday 14 November 1997. 7th Asian Airwing Meeting Log #4 (14/11/97) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting convened a little late at about 2300 hours with the presence of Cyclone, Wildfire, Garuda, Peregrine, Albatross, Curlew, Crow, Jaeger, Blackwing, Silencer and Sparhawk. I hope i got everyone in. A few matters were cleared up, and the stage was set for things to start getting into action now. 1. Operations Officer --------------------------------- As it is such a big job being the Ops, having to coordinate online conferences and things, it was proposed and accepted that we should have 3 Ops officers. They are Blackwing, Jaeger and Crow, who kindly volunteered their services for the job. They should try to work together to come up with their organization. If anyone of them feels that he cannot so his job with conviction, please feel free to say so. And for now, the Central Command is complete. 2. Officer's duties ---------------------------- Some close scrutiny has revealed that there might be a slight overlap in officer's duties. But it has been decided that Officers should do their own duties first and foremost. If and when they come across something that falls within the jurisdiction of a different department, they should simply pass that information on to the relevant officer. The most obvious example might be with Recruiting. If anyone at all discovers a potential new recruit, just pass the info on to the Recruiting Officer and let her deal with them. Just be flexible. 3. Webpage ------------------- Bar a few broken links, the webpage is up and operational at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/7618 I'm trying my utmost to get things done asap but RL is intruding! Next meeting's Agenda ----------------------------------- a) Missions of the 7th Asian Airwing b) Activities to be planned c) Any other things to be discussed If anything else comes up in the mean time, please raise it on the List, and we will take note of it and bring it up at the next meeting when we table the agenda. Garuda will forward comments from the 88th, as necessary. Wildfire or Silencer will probably do the same with the 41st. Next meeting --------------------- Date: 28 November 1997 Time: 2200 Hours (Malaysia/Singapore Time +7 GMT) Venue: IRC DALnet #saab7 Meeting adjourned at 12+ midnight. Semper Fi! Reported by: Sparhawk Commanding Officer (Acting) The 88th Firebirds --The Spirit Lives On!-- SPACE: ABOVE AND BEYOND NEWS General: The 1997 edition of Roger Fulton's "The Encyclopedia of TV Science Fiction" has a section on S:AAB. It has about five pages on short reviews of each episode. Cast and Crew: Rodney Rowland's new series, "Pensacola: Wings of Gold" will be shown on Metrovision. The ads are already aired, but the exact date of its premiere is still unknown. Joel de la Fuente's webpage at has message board and chat system installed. In the series "High Incident" [quoting Kate Duncan] Joel played Detective Aquino in three episodes: "Hello/Goodbye" (the first episode of their "second season" -- or first and only full season); "Change Partners"; and something like "Cop Killer" or "Sniper" (which should follow "Change Partners"). (And R. Lee Ermey was in an episode of High Incident, I believe the 2nd ep of the 2nd season, the one that followed Hello/Goodbye.) John (aka John-bro) Wilkie, who played Chig #3 on Space and was one of the guests at Fantasticon was featured on "Sightings", November 2 on the Sci-Fi Channel in the US. Tucker Smallwood now has a Fan Club!!! Check out: Tucker seems to be a busy man these days. In Millennium, he will be playing Dr. Steven Kiley in a soon to be filmed episode. He will also be appearing in Pensacola: WoG as Col. Gibson, Presiding Officer over a judicial factfinding hearing, to determine whether sufficient evidence exists for a courts martial. Tucker's recent movies are: - MOST WANTED - BLACKOUT - STRANGE LAND (formerly RUNE) - SOUR GRAPES, Tucker plays an Anesthesiologist - DEEP IMPACT, Tucker plays Ivan Bekey, the president's science advisor Shirley Walker did the entire musical score for Turbulence. She also did Escape from L.A. She is currently scoring the new Animated Superman and Batman on The WB, and she's doing the animated Spawn on HBO. She is also doing a made-for-tv movie for Disney. "Monster", is Kristen's debut on Millennium. She will appear in at least six episodes of Millennium this season. She's not in the following ep, "A Single Blade of Grass", but she is in the two after that, "19:19" (Steve Rankin, aka Ray Butts will also appear) and "The Curse of Frank Black." (which has a S:AAB reference - the appearance of a SPECIAL guest star...) Merchandise: Alan Dawson has a friend who makes a variety of model kits of characters and hardware from Space Above & Beyond. They include a 1/6th scale Marine, a 1/6th Chig, 1/48th Chig Fighter, 1/48th Hammerhead and a life size M70 Pistol. He is currently working on a 1/72nd scale Dropship and a life size M590 Rifle. If anyone is interested in the above then e-mail Alan and he will send you his friend's address and phone number for further details. Alan can be reached at NEWS FLASH! We have been invited to join the Commonwealth Defense Forces (CDF), an alliance of squadrons set up by the 29th Doodlebugs Squadron to "unite Space fans in far flung part of the Commonwealth". It is not a pressure or splinter group, but a common voice to certain members of the Space community who seem to resent non-US Saabers. They have a webpage up at: http://www.inman.mcmail.com/cdf.html <^><^><^><^><^><^> Bulletin Board <^><^><^><^><^><^> RPG From Albatross: Okay, people, listen up! If any of you are still interested in playing a S:AAB RolePlaying Game, the 57th Crusaders are setting up an RPG which looks pretty interesting. If you'd like to participate, or maybe even join the Crusaders (I'm not sure if non-Crusaders can play -I'll check), then can you please email Zeb Lowe (am I schizo or what?) at seaq@pl.jaring.my, with your name, email addy, and any questions you might have. Thanks, and Semper Fi! Major Zeb Lowe, Asian Liason 57th Crusaders http://www.physd.amu.edu.pl/~fox __________________________________________________________ VOTE KRISTEN! From Goshawk: This is the weekly VoteKristen letter. It is sent every week to remind the Firebirds to VOTE for Kristen Cloke, the lady star of Space: Above and Beyond. Cast your vote and let the world know how great Cloke is! Just go to: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Set/3048 Visit the (frequently updated) 88th Firebirds Nesting Site http://ftp.sarawak.com.my/org/firebirds/ "The Spirit Lives On!" Questions? email Goshawk at huilin@tm.net.my Ask anything! Really! <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> So You Want to be a Marine.... <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> SPECIAL FORCES contributed by Kingfisher These are the typical duties of a typical Special Forces platoon in any ordinary situation at a given time. Weapons Sergeant The weapons expert. Capable of firing and employing most weapons in the Army's vast arsenal. Including foreign weapons like pistols, rifles, automatic weapons and mortars. Engineering Sergeant Uses explocives for both sabotage and underwater demolitions. He destroys targets and constructcs buildings and bridges. Medical Sergeant The life saver. Employs the latest in field medical technology and limited surgical procedures. The Special Forces medic in an integral part of civic action programs in bringing medical treatment to native population. Communication Sergeant Transmits and recieves International Morse Code at a rate of 15 words groups per minute or better. Responsibilities include operation, employment and maintenance of team lightwieght radios and communication equipment. Operations/Intelligence Sergeant Develops operations and intelligencfor missions in all operation enviroments. Advises the commander on the exploitation of intelligence and mission-essential information. <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> Pop Quiz, Hot Shots! <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> Get out the tapes and dust your memories, people. Let's see how much you know about S:AaB.... 1. State the exact date when Shane Vansen recieved her Captaincy? 2. Name the casualty rate of Earth Forces on Demios during Ops Roundhammer? 3. In the ep Pearly, what was the name, rank and unit of the tank driver? 4. Also in Pearly, from which battle did the entire Batalion of the Coldstream Guards got slaughtered? 5. In River of Stars, name the constellation which holds the title of 'river of stars' 6. Also in the same ep, which satelite signal from an old tv show was picked up by the 58th when they were dead in space? 7. Still in the same ep, what did Shane gave the 58th for Christmas (Hawkes, West, Phousse, and Winslow) 8. In Sugar Dirt, what was the callsign of the doomed 34th's squadron leader? 9. Where did the 58 undergo their USMC accelerated training? 10. What was Hawkes' motto (painted on his hammerhead)? 11. Who was honcho on the Mars mission in the 2nd part of the Pilot? 12. Who is Nic Chaput? 13. Who is Lt Swerco? 14. Why wasn't Diane Hayden's blindness cured in utero? 15. Who are the 127th? 16. What was Stroud's gift to Wang in Choice or Chance? 17. Who is 'Brando' and who is 'Deniro'? 18. Whom is Handsome Alvin trying to impersonate? 19. Who is the creator of the AI virus and what is the name of said virus? 20. Which planet didn't have what it took to be a star? 21. What was West suffering from when he was rescued in Stay With The Dead? 22. Where was Hawkes decanted? 23. Where was McQueen decanted? 24. What was the name of Hawkes' sister? 25. Shane recieved a Bronze Star in 'Dear Earth'. Describe the situation/heroic deeds which paved way for her to recieve the medal. 26. In Pearly, what did Shane describe as being 'worst than a shrapnel wound' 27. During the fight for Ixion in 'Sugar Dirt', which squadrons were sent to 'Rain Fire' on the enemy. 28. Same ep, Phousse complained something about the Supply Drop the 5-8 recovered. What was the complaint. 29. Still the same ep, name the situation suffered by the 5-8 which compelled the ep to *be* named 'Sugar Dirt'. 30. In the opening sequence of 'Sugar Dirt', the 3rd Chinese Infantry from the Sun Yat Sen was supposed to pour down from which area. 31. Name Neil West's unit and it the name of its foolish CO. 32. Which squadron's and expecially which person's death does Raymond T. Butts try to avenge? 33. From which university did Phousse graduate from and as what did she graduate? 34. In the pilot, what is the name of the sergeant that helps to train the 58th? 35. What is the name of the bar in the pilot episode? 36. In the episode "Sugar Dirt", what time did the 58th always call in? 37. What's the farthest the Angry Angels could go? (This in the pilot.). 38. In the Angriest Angel episode, there is a great piece of irony. DO you guys now when that occurs? 39. In the episode Never No More, which squadron gets wasted by Chiggy Von Richtofen? 40. Also in the same episode, what's the name of the drink Vansen orders for both herself and John? Bonus question: This is non S:AAB but what the heck. Name all of the beaches on Normandy during D-Day. [The answers will be given in the next newsletter] /~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ CONTINUES IN PART B