/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ The 88th Firebirds "Official" Newsletter Website: http://ftp.sarawak.com.my/org/firebirds/ Volume Four, 1 November 1997 Part A /~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ PART A: Atten-HUT! Latest News and Updates Bulletin Board Classified -- Hot Off the Wire So You Want to be a Marine.... PART B: Interstellar Chat Radio From the Quill Pen Musings of A Guylian-Eating Officer Addresses and Sites /~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ <^><^><^><^><^> Atten-HUT! <^><^><^><^><^> First of all, my apologies for the non-appearance of last fortnight's newsletter. Due to an unexpected snafu, we were unable to receive the 96th Recon Batallion updates, which provides the S:AaB news. To make up for it, this issue is chock-full of news, notices, anecdotes, and the odd philosophy or two thrown in for good measure. Make sure you pay attention to the Firebirds news. The next parts of "Mission Report" is available at the Nesting Site, in all of its HTML glory. In this issue, you will be treated to "Operation White Wing", a new story by our very own Tom Clancy, Kingfisher. Also, we have some Top 10 lists and various S:AaB anecdotes in "Interstellar Chat Radio". Don't miss "So You Want to Be a Marine" as it features a real-life story from an ex-soldier. Enjoy, and Happy Belated Halloween! ;) Captain Yasmin "Garuda" M. Communications and Acting Executive Officer <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> Latest News and Updates <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> FIREBIRDS NEWS Command: The shake-up concludes with several officers and a private promoted in mid-October. Congratulations to Raven (now Lt-Colonel), Sparhawk (now Major), and Garuda (now Captain). A hearty handshake also goes to the Command staff (Peregrine, Goshawk, Kingfisher and Albatross), all of whom were promoted to 1st Lieutenant, as well as Eagle, now a 2nd Lieutenant. Recruits: We are pleased to welcome Johan Azahari (Swift), Ahmad Ahmad (Jaeger), Roynston (Robin), Yen Ching (Caracara), Anah (Egret) and Andrew (Nightjar). Welcome to the Firebirds, Marines, and may you survive the experience! Website: The Nesting site has been updated, especially the Personnel and Fan Fiction pages. ASIAN AIRWING NEWS 7th Asian Airwing Meeting Report #3 ----------------------------------------------------- Hello all 7th AA-ers!! This is your report of the meet on Friday 31 Oct 1997. 7th Asian Airwing Meeting Log #3 (31/10/97) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting convened at about 10pm with the attendence of Wildfire, Garuda, Sparhawk, Peregrine, Albatross, Cyclone, Jaeger, Curlew and MadCap. Everyone was early for once! Apologies if i miseed out anyone. Anyway, some stuff from last week was discussed and laid to rest this time.... for good! 1. Name of the Airwing ---------------------------------- It is confirmed that there will be no specific name for the Airwing. It will now officially be known as the '7th Asian Airwing'. In the future, should we require one, one will be discussed. But for now, 7th AA we remain. 2. Officers ------------------ All positions are now confirmed. Recruiting-- Albatross (88th) Intelligence-- Wildfire (41st) Logistics-- Cyclone (41st) Technical-- Sparhawk (88th) Deputy-- Curlew (88th) Communications and Liaison-- Garuda (88th) There is one vacant position. Operations. Please contact WIldfire for the details and requirements you have to fulfill in this position. 3. Duration ------------------ All posts are on a 6 month rotation schedule. At the end of 6 months, there will be a re-assessment of the participation of the Officers and elections will be held. This is to enable other members to participate. It will also serve to keep the officers on their toes. :-) Posts are confirmed today. November 1 1997. Elections will be held in 6 months time. ie. 1 April 1998. and that's *no* April's Fool! 4. Liaisons ----------------- All Recruiting Officers of participating squadrons will form the liaison officers for the AA. They will stay in contact with Garuda who will pass on any new recruits and info, as necessary. For now, there being only 2 squadrons in the AA, the ROs/ Liaisons are: 41st-- Silencer 88th-- Peregrine 5. Command structure --------------------------------- All officers will form the Command known as 'Central Command'. They will meet up as necessary to get the Airwing into shape and on the road. Decisions will be made as a body, and no matter what rank you are, everyone has the same power and same vote. 6. Rank and File -------------------------- If you are a member of an exisiting Asian squadron, you enter the AA with your rank in your squadron. Once in the AA, everyone is more or less equal, no matter what your rank says about you. Newbies without squadrons will enter the AA as Privates, and work their way up to 1st Lt-ship. It's not *that* hard if you take an active part in discussions and meetings and generally participate. 7. Newbies and the squadron-less --------------------------------------------------- Newbies and those without National Squadrons have the option of : a) joining the AA and then using it to find your own countrymen to form your own National squadron, or b) opt to join any of the existing squadrons, or c) you can choose to get together to form your own with the other squadron-less people. The choice is yours. However, if you are from a country with an existing National squadron, you should join your national squadron. 9. Meetings ------------------- Sparhawk was volunteered as the Chairperson for the meetings, [much to my gratification. :-)] So, should you want something raised at the meeting but can't make it, you can raise it on the List where we can thresh it out before we go into the meeting, or you can send it to me direct at . You can also raise any questions and discussions via Wildfire or Garuda . 9. The Webpage ------------------------- It's still being worked on, I'm afraid. But it should be operational soon. I'll try to get it done before the next report goes out. Next Meeting's Agenda ----------------------------------- There was no time to discuss this as most people had to rush off. If anything comes up in the mean time, please raise it on the List, and we will take note of it and bring it up at the next meeting when we table the agenda. Garuda will forward comments from the 88th, as necessary. Wildfire or 41st Comms Officer will probably do the same. Next meeting --------------------- Date: 14 November 1997 Time: 2200 Hours (Malaysia/Singapore Time +7 GMT) Venue: IRC DALnet #saab7 Meeting adjourned at 12 midnight. Semper Fi! Reported by: Sparhawk Commanding Officer (Acting) The 88th Firebirds --The Spirit Lives On!-- SPACE: ABOVE AND BEYOND NEWS Fandom: A Morgan Weiser discussion group has just formed. For those interested you can join by sending an e-mail to or with SUBSCRIBE MWDG-L in the subject and if you like some personal information in the body. A Rodney Rowland discussion group has also formed. Interested individuals and send email to with "SUBSCRIBE RRDG-l" in the subject line. The Official Tucker Smallwood Fan Club - "Bear Essentials" has now formed and is taking on members. The club is based in the United Kingdom but its founder Chris Forrester, hopes to go global in the next few months. For further information please contact Chris at: Cast and Crew: Rod Rowland's new series, "Pensacola:Wings Of Gold" has a website up: and an upcoming CD-ROM game. James Morrison is currently filming an episode of Steven Bochco's new CBS series, "Brooklyn South". He plays a gay man who beats up his lover and is arrested. Harriet Samson Harris, aka Diane Hayden, will be appearing weekly as a cast regular on the new NBC sitcom, "Union Square", playing a bitter real estate agent. The new show is on Thursday nights at 8:30 pm EST on NBC between "Friends" and "Seinfeld". She will also continue to make recurring appearances on "Ellen" and "Frasier" this year, playing Ellen Morgan's therapist and Frasier Crane's agent. In issue #15 of X POSE, there is a large article on Glen Morgan and James Wong. It has a special side item about S:AAB and a Top 10 reasons why Morgan and Wong are Excellent [especially no.s 4 and 5!!!] Kristen Cloke will be on the October 17 episode of Millennium. She plays a forensic psychologist named Lara Means. Joel de La Fuente would like everyone to let "ER" and NBC know that they want to have Joel invited back , perhaps on a permanent basis. The URL is: John Wilkie just finished acting in an episode of "Soldier of Fortune, Inc." John and Kristian Sorensen will be working together on a feature film that starts production this week. Shirley Walker will scoring the new animated Superman and Batman. Past works, besides S:AAB include: "Turbulence"and "Escape from L.A". She also has plans to score a made-for-tv movie from Disney. Tucker Smallwood has been working on a TV-movie for NBC titled "Blackout", which is scheduled to air November 26. He says it'll "provide food for thought for air travelers" travelling over the Thansgiving holiday. Convention: There was a 57th get-together held in Manchester, England. If you are interested in obtaining the report, please e-mail Garuda as it is too long to be included. <^><^><^><^><^><^> Bulletin Board <^><^><^><^><^><^> From Captain KT Ng (Wildfire), 41st Wild Furies: Re: S:AAB World Roster Hi all! Thanks for helping me out in this project. I've just set up the roster, and would appreciate everyone checking it out to see if I've put up your info correctly. The URL is http://www.geocities.com/Area51/4441/saabworld.html. I've listed everyone's name, email (except for one person who requested me not to put it up), callsign and squadron. For those few who didn't want their info to be put up, I hope you'll allow me to list those four items. If not, please email me. I do hope I can put up your name and callsign at least. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. [Note: Anyone who hasn't filled in the Roster, please do so] __________________________________________________________ From Goshawk: This is the weekly VoteKristen letter. It is sent every week to remind the Firebirds to VOTE for Kristen Cloke, the lady star of Space: Above and Beyond. Cast your vote and let the world know how great Cloke is! Just go to: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Set/3048 Visit the (frequently updated) 88th Firebirds Nesting Site http://ftp.sarawak.com.my/org/firebirds/ "The Spirit Lives On!" Questions? email Goshawk at huilin@tm.net.my Ask anything! Really! <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> Classified -- Hot Off the Wire <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> As forwarded by Sparhawk: > Salute!!!!! > > Here is your Update for October 22, 1997: > > Space: Above and Beyond Status: > > Space: Above and Beyond's first season episodes debut on the new Canadian > channel, Space: The Imagination Station, Thursday. Broadcast times are: > Thursday @ 9:00pm (2100 hours) > Saturday @ 10:00am (1000 hours) > Saturday @ 6:00pm (1800 hours) > Sunday @ 3:00am (0300 hours) > ---------- > Joel de La Fuente would like everyone to let "ER" and NBC know that they > want to have Joel invited back , perhaps on a permanent basis. His next > episode will be on October 30. The URL is: > > > If you'd like to write to Joel, you can contact him via Dennis Paulsen's > website at: > > Via e-mai: > Via snail mail: > c/o Lasher, McManus and Robinson > 2372 Veteran Ave. > Los Angeles, CA 90064. > > If you'd like to see more of his Ivan Fu character, please write to: > > Mr. John Wells (ER's executive producer) > c/o "ER" Production Office > Warner Bros. Television > 4000 Warner Blvd. > Bldg. 133, Rm. 204 > Burbank, CA 91522 > > Ms. Carol Flint (Writer/producer, Wells' associate) > c/o "ER" Production Office > Warner Bros. Television > 4000 Warner Blvd. > Bldg. 133, Rm. 204 > Burbank, CA 91522 > > Ms. Barbara Miller (Exec in charge of all WB-TV casting) > c/o Warner Bros. TV > 300 Television Plaza > Bldg. 140, 1st Fl. > Burbank, CA 91505 > > Mr. John Levey (Casting director for ER) > c/o Warner Bros. TV > 300 Television Plaza > Bldg. 140, 1st Fl. > Burbank, CA 91505 > ---------- > Kristian Sorensen has been very busy, trying to do three shows at once! He > is a semi-regular background character on "C-16" (which will also have Lanei > Chapman in an upcoming episode.) He filmed an episode of "The Visitor" > which airs this Friday (the 24th.) He's the guy who runs into the > forcefield.... He has just finished acting as military advisor on a new > Bruce Willis movie, called "Armageddon." and he just recently did some work > on "Deep Impact" (the meteor movie that also has Tucker in it.) > > > Campaigns/Operations/Fan News: > > The FOX Boards are about to under go major changes. The new address is: > > > > Squadrons/Regions/Battalions: > > The 92nd Squadron - Diamondbacks, will be having a chat in the KC Chat Room > with Amy, Kristen Cloke's sister, on Sunday November 2. A time has yet to > be determined (afternoon EST likely). The KC Chat room can be reached > through the Official Kristen Cloke Fan Club website at: > > > > > Conventions/Merchandise: > > "The Cult Files: Re-Opened" is a two-disk set containing music from S:AAB as > well as 44 TV and movie themes, total. Other selections include Xena, > Hercules, Battlestar Galactica, Hitchhikers Guide, 11 Gerry Anderson shows, > 4 Irwin Allen shows, Miami Vice, Beauty and the Beast, Superman (the film), > 8 Tim Burton/Danny Elfman films, and Monty Python's Flying Circus. The CD > catalogue number is SSD-1085. > > S:AAB music includes a 4-minute suite of the main theme, the > preparing-for-war theme (Battle of the Belt), and the Nathan/Kylen love > theme. Shirley Walker re-recorded it with a 70-piece orchestra (she had 30 > for the series). To order, write to: > > Silva Screen Records America, Inc. > 1600 Broadway, Suite 910 > New York, NY 10019 > > > The 96th Recon Battalion Homepage: > > The Homepage URL is: > > ---------- > The IRC server's address is: irc.labas.net. port #6667. For more > information, get in touch with Larry at: > . > > > Many thanks to the following contributors: > Tina Boyle > Kate Duncan > Sue Pickens > Pam Rudd > Larry LaBas > Matt Staub > > > SEMPER FI!!!!!! > > Admiral Patrick J. Kimble > 96th Reconnaissance Battalion <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> So You Want to be a Marine.... <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> TALES OF THE MALAYSIAN ARMY as told by Vulture (an ex-Askar Wataniah) Emm, okay...now where do I start? How bout..."Once upon a time..." I was 18 when I signed up. We had to go through some tests before they can accept our application, just like in the real army, bcoz it is the real army! Anyway, first you need to fill up lots of forms and then you go thru a selection process which include full medical examination. If you get thru this then you need to get thru the physical test which include running long and short distant where they note your time (also lots of other colorful exercises). If you get thru this, then there is the 'Leadership Test'. They put everyone into a few groups and see how you coordinate yourself and your fellow candidates in a certain given situation. Get thru these tests (which was "a breeze for some") then there is "The Interview" to go thru. This is where most people FAIL!! There will be a panel of officers (no less than a full colonel) and they ask all sort of bloody questions that'll make you thank God you didn't get thru into the army! Finally, there's the swearing in ceremony in front of a judge and signing another form to pledge your all to the country. My batch was 180 cadets with 26 of us being lady cadets (note that we're taught to be gentlemen and gentle-ladies even before training started)...but 3 years later only 82 commissioned on a hot glorious day on June 21st, 1994; and only half of the original number of lady cadets who joined in in 1991 were there! Casualty rate: 50% do not make it to puberty! Well, we prefer to assume that those who resigned were "retiring early", "are casualties of war" or something other than the reason that they couldn't take the army anymore. It is not easy to maintain a high morale when you haven't slept properly for a week (probably one to two hours a day) even if it is only training and just a war game. How many of you think that you can handle not having a bath for 10 days, or brushing your teeth with yesterday's tea (if you're lucky that is bcoz water can be scarce most of the time!), or going to the head (this is especially hard on the ladies in the jungle at night) with leeches sucking your blood at any opportunity. Sounds fun? Then come join the party! __________________________________________________________ Navajo words and their English letter equivalents A. (Wol-La Chee) - Ant (Be-La-Sana) - Apple (Tse-Nill) - Axe B. (Na-Hash-Chid) - Badger (Shush) - Bear (Toish-Jeh) - Barrel C. (Moasi) - Cat (Tla-Gin) - Coal (Ba-Goshi) - Cow D. (Be) - Deer (Chindi) - Devil (Lha-Cha-Eh) - Dog E. (Ah-Jah) - Ear (Dzeh) - Elk (Ah-Nah) - Eye F. (Chuo) - Fir (Tsa-E-Donin-Ee) - Fly (Ma-E) - Fox G. (Ah-Tad) - Girl (Klizzie) - Goat (Jeha) - Gum H. (Tse-Gah) - Hair (Cha) - Hat (Lin) - Horse I. (Tkin) - Ice (Yeh-Hes) - Itch (A-Chi) - Intestine J. (Tkele-Cho-Gi) - Jackass (Ah-Ya-Tsinne) - Jaw (Yil-Doi) - Jerk K. (Jad-Ho-Loni) - Kettle (Ba-Ha-Ne-Di-Tinin) - Key (Klizzie-Yazzie) - Kid L. (Dibeh-Yazzie) - Lamb (Ah-Jad) - Leg (Nash-Doie-Tso) - Lion M. (Tsin-Tliti) - Match (Be-Tas-Tni) - Mirror (Na-As-Tso-Si) - Mouse N. (Tsah) - Needle (A-Chin) - Nose (Nesh-Chee) - Nut O. (A-Kha) - Oil (Tlo-Chin) - Onion (Ne-Ahs-Jah) - Owl P. (Cla-Gi-Aih) - Pant (Bi-So-Dih) - Pig (Ne-Zhoni) - Pretty Q. (Ca-Yeilth) - Quiver R. (Gah) - Rabbit (Dah-Nes-Tsa) - Ram (Ah-Losz) - Rice S. (Dibeh) - Sheep (Klesh) - Snake T. (D-Ah) - Tea (A-Woh) - Tooth (Than-Zie) - Turkey U. (Shi-Da) - Uncle (No-Da-Ih) - Ute V. (A-Keh-Di-Glini) - Victor W. (Gloe-Ih) - Weasel X. (Al-Na-As-Dzoh) - Cross Y. (Tsah-Ah-Dzoh) - Yucca Z. (Besh-Do-Tliz) - Zin /~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/ CONTINUES IN PART B