"My school motto was "Monsanto incorpori glorius maxima copia" which in
Latin means "When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping".
--Robin Williams--
A gossip talks about others, a bore talks about himself and a brilliant
conversationallist talks about you!
Snarky Police Officer: What are you grinning at?
Owaru Ryudo: This is my first interrogation. Will you wear me down by
telling me how my family is suffering?
Nijikawa: I never thought you'd join the army.
Sarge Mizuchi: I just like guns. Running around, scaring defenseless
people. I love it!
Random woman on street: (responding to a reporter's questions on the
Dragon in Tokyo) Dragon's belong on bowls of Chinese noodles. Nowhere
Tsuzuku: Name's Tsuzuku. I'm the pacifist in the family.Nice to meet you.
Sohryuden:Legend Of the Four Kings
"I knew I would regret doing that someday."
"What Bones?"
"Connecting Spock's vocal cords."
--Dr McCoy and Captain Kirk, Star Trek, 'Spock's Brain'--