Space Above and Beyond, the series created by Glen Morgan and James Wong
(The X-Files/Millennium writing/producing team), and Earth 2 from
Steven Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment, have more than doubled time
period ratings for Sci-Fi Channel in January over fourth quarter, 1997.
Space Above and Beyond, airing on Sunday nights at 7:00p.m., has
averaged a 1.6 rating* over its first two airings since its premiere on
January 18th, while Earth 2, airing Sundays at 8:00 p.m. ET, has
averaged a 1.4. These ratings represent 120% and 180% improvements,
respectively, over fourth quarter 1997 averages for these time periods.
*source: Nielsen Media Research, NMR/Galaxy, January 2 - 25, 1998; subject
to qualifications which will be supplied upon request.