-Volume 7, 1 January, 1998 -


Sonic Images , the people who brought out the B5 soundtracks, are currently looking for other film/TV shows to produce their sound tracks. They state that they would prefer a show that hadn't had their soundtrack released before - could any one on this list think of one? ;)

You can vote for Space: Above and Beyond here but following the link from the index page would be easier.

Upcoming Conventions
Here's a partial list of conventions to be held in the first quarter of 1998:

Spacedock '98 - Feb 7-8, Hagerstown, MD
-possible Space actor as guest
Earthstation Edmonton - Mar. 13-15, Edmonton, Alberta
-possible Space actor as guest
Neutral Zone - Mar 20-22, Newcastle, England
Guests: James Morrison, Tucker Smallwood
AggieCon - Mar 26-29, College Station, TX
Balticon 32 - Apr 10-12, Baltimore, MD
Novacon 8 - Apr ??, Tysons Corner, VA
AgamemCom - May 22-24, Los Angeles, CA

Major-General Kate Duncan (59th Ready Reserves) has requested that if anyone is in these locations and can help, please e-mail her privately at kduncan@planetx.com. Ditto if you happen to have any media contacts (local newspaper, radio, TV). She said:

"If you know about an upcoming SF convention in your area, large or small, run it past me. With the debut of "Space" on the Sci-Fi Channel and Space: The Imagination Station in Canada, and it still airing overseas, I want us to be -- we need to be -- extremely organized and efficient in the New Year." An R&R may be held after Fantasticon in Los Angeles, in August.

Convention Report
From: Barry_Caldwell@warnerbros.com

The 247th Industry Insyderz First Solo Flight

Loscon 24, the annual convention of the Los Angeles Science Fiction Society, was held November 28-30 at the Burbank Hilton in Burbank, California. The Space Ready Reserve was represented by its Southern California squadron, the 247th Industry Insyderz. Manning the table for the Insyderz was Lynn Loschin, Barry Caldwell and Kyril Rodgers.

Liz Mortenson, one of the con organizers, greeted us early in the day and thanked us for coming. Overall, attendance was a little slow, thanks to a competing Babylon 5 Creation Con just a few miles away in Pasadena. Due to this conflict, as well as the fact that Loscon is primarily a literary science fiction convention, the SRR decided to attend on Saturday only. While greeted with the usual snobbishness from certain people who don't watch any television, the overall reaction was better than expected. We had a steady stream of visitors throughout the day, and since the ads just started running that week, most were still unaware of the upcoming reruns of Space on the Sci-Fi Channel. But, as expected, most of our visitors were thrilled upon hearing the news. In fact, several attendees who didn't subscribe to cable TV have now decided that it's worth it.

Due to a noncompetition clause with the dealers, we were very limited as to what we could display and sell at our table. A funny thing, since none of the dealers carried any Space merchandise, except for one guy selling scripts. But our SRR patches and dogtags sold very well, much better than expected. Many people purchased dogtags for friends who couldn't be there. The new Incoming newsletters were also very popular. Also on display were Operation Demios flyers, sample UPN letters, and Episode Guides.

We met lots of people who were big fans of the show and had seen nearly every episode, as well as a large group who had only seen a few episodes early on and had lost track of it thanks to Fox's bad habit of pre-empting and rescheduling it on odd nights with no notice. But both groups were very excited that they were going to be able to see the show again in 6 weeks. We also met the organizer of an upcoming Babylon 5 con in May of 98, who invited us to attend and possibly present a panel on Space.

Late in the day, we were honored to be visited by the Chig Ambassador, Kristian Sorenson, and Glenn Campbell, Area51 Special Effects God, both of whom stayed until quitting time and helped us close up shop.

As this was only my second con, I don't have much to compare it to, my only other experience being Fantasticon last August, which is a tough one to top. :) But things went better than expected, and if I do say so myself, our little ragtag crew handled itself quite capably.

Barry Caldwell
Space Ready Reserve,
247th Industry Insyderz

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