Subject: Lt-Col McQueen
On JMDG-L someone's written an honest to god thesis styled paper on McQueen called "Of Warrior Poetics and Redemption" and its very thought provoking. Very well expounded and to the extent of her thesis statement, I can quite agree with her about McQ. Very nice use of contemporary culture as well. or via Subject: S:AaB Tactical Dispatch From: Wildfire, Asian Airwing/41st Wild Furies Hi all! This is to inform everyone that the S:AAB Ring hit 101 sites yesterday. And I've just started a bulletin board called Tactical Dispatch at for S:AABers to post and read S:AAB news. Please support it! Subject: S:AaB RPG The war between AI Collective (Silicates), Anvil Imperia (Chigs), AeroTech Ind. (Techies), and Earth Alliance (Humans) rages on. For more information on how to join the WAR and give your side a fighting chance, email Frank "Vengeance" Chang now! Details about WAR! Zone can be found at
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