-Volume 15, 15 June, 1998 -

Subject: A salute to the Indonesian marines

From: 1st Lt. Buckwheat, 83rd Fury Angels/Asian Airwing

We talk about marines here in the mailing list, namely the USMC. Or Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. The Wildcards, MEU/SOC, all the glorious names. But I myself never really see my own country's Marine Corps in action, until these last few weeks.

In times of trouble and fear, only one force took the people's hand and walk the streets together in peace. When others used force, they embraced the angered people. They truly showed their purpose for the country. They are Indonesia's KKO-MARINIR, my country's marine commandos corps.

Last Friday night, they successfully prevented war when 40, 000 troops were deployed discreetly in the dead of the night to usher out the students from the parliament.

Thousands of Strategic Commandos stormed the parliament and used force to usher out the students. Another force moved in and fought them. The army's forces clashed with each other while the students were trapped in the middle in fear. Then the marine commandos stormed in and stood between the opposing forces, they protected the students. The students then agreed to leave the parliament in one condition. Only one force is to escort and protect them on the way. They count on the marines.

Marine amphibious tanks APCs soon roam the streets as they escorted the students out. This was never publicized.

So I proudly give a full salute to the KKO-MARINIR, the Indonesian Marine Commandos Corps.

Semper Fi.

Subject: For military surplus freaks
From: Lt. Albatross, 88th Firebirds

[Forwarded message from uscav.com newsletter]

Have you checked out the http://www.uscav.com site lately? We are offering a "limited time only" special of a:

* FREE Wrench Pocket Tool * Simply place a $99.00 or more order (excluding shipping) and we'll send it with your order!

Carry this wrench and have scissors, a saw, a Phillips screwdriver and a clip- point blade handy, too!

While you're visiting our site, check out these Close-Out Items. (Order now, we only have a limited supply.)

THE UnBOTTLE ... A great hydration system to take on your outdoor trips.

EASTERN BLOCK SHOULDER BAG ... Perfect for summertime and only $4.88!

We've got some NEW items that are great for summertime!

3M INSECT CREME ... One application can be effective for up to 12 hours!

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RUNABOUT SUSPENDER PACK ... A very versatile pack, evenly distributes weight to reduce shoulder or waist strain.

Don't forget, because we're online, we can offer you items that are TOO NEW for our print catalog!

BACK COUNTRY TENT ... Loaded with great features.

SEAL TAC BOOT KNIFE ... Designed by custom knife maker Jim Hammond.

COLLEGIATE CAMO ... In the Hottest Camo patterns.

Subject: World Environment Day
From: Captain Garuda, 88th Firebirds

June 5 has come and gone, but Happy Belated World Environment Day anyway. So, what did you do to mark that day?


Picture taken from Mission Status.

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